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Apitong vs Steel, Which Is Better for Your Trailer Floor?

Either Apitong wood or steel, are the materials commonly used for trailers. In addition, these two materials also have their respective advantages. Through this article, we will help you consider whether to choose Apitong wood or Steel for your trailer floor.

Wood Doesn’t Make Surfaces slipped Like Steel

The thing that is often complained about by trailer owners who use steel is the slippery surface when the conditions are wet. Another thing that you need to pay attention to is the weight of the steel, which will reduce the cargo capacity you carry.

To prevent this from happening, apitong wood can be used as an option. The surface of Apitong wood has grain, making the surface less prone to slipping when wet or in bad weather. In terms of cost, wood is more economical than steel, and from the weight of Apitong Wood, it is clearly lighter than steel, so cargo capacity will increase.

Some people choose steel because the material is stronger and tougher in carrying loads. But often, the problem faced is the cost of manufacture and maintenance which takes a long time. The enemy faced by steel is rust. If it is rusted, it will take time to remove, repair the rust, or repair the damage in the event of an impact, and so on. Of course, fixing it takes quite a long time, and costs money.

If you use wood, the enemy you face is decay and termite attacks. This can be overcome by coating the wood with a chemical that prevents termites and decay. Another advantage, you don’t need long if you want to repair damaged wood. It is enough to replace the damaged part with a new one. This is certainly very easy to do, time-saving, and cost-effective.

No need to worry about wood, if you use the right type

Weathering and termite attack on wood is something to be afraid of when choosing wood material for your trailer. But you don’t need to worry about this if you choose the right type of wood.

There are many choices of lumber for trailers on the market. For this, you don’t need to hesitate to choose Apitong as wood for your trailer. Timber originating from Southeast Asia is very popular used for trailers in the last 25 years.

Apitong has a light nature but has very high strength and hardness. No need to worry about termites or decay, because Apitong can last for a long time, even in the best condition for up to 15 years.

Buana Triarta As Your Best Trailer Manufacturing Choice

If you are confident in choosing Apitong wood as your trailer material, you should also consider the right manufacturer. Buana Triarta, with 25 years of experience in the wood processing industry, especially in Apitong, is always committed to providing the best quality to customers.

Until now, Buana Triarta products have spread to 13 countries around the world. This is clear evidence that our products are trusted, and recognized for the quality of their products. If you are interested in getting more information about our trailer deck products, please click the button below.

If you are interested in getting more information about our trailer deck products, please click the button below.

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